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Sheepdog Training
Fidos is pleased to offer Sheepdog training at the centre.
Many people are becoming interested in sheepdog handling and trialling. Traditionally, it was shepherds and farmers who were the only people skilled to handle the dogs. Today we have people from varying backgrounds becoming involved with sheepdogs, such as doctors, policemen, butchers, lorry drivers, builders, all enjoying working with their dog.
When most people hear the word “sheepdog,” they immediately think of the beautiful long-haired Old English, the pint-sized Collie-like Shetland.
However, the term can actually refer to any of the herding breeds, including German Shepherds and Border Collies.
Since these highly intelligent dogs were bred specifically to work alongside farmers and help herd livestock. They are fairly easy to train, especially if you focus on positive reinforcement methods.
That said, some of them do have very strong personalities, so you will need a lot of patience in the beginning.
The introductory scent work course will provide the skills to teach your dog to find a specific scent and to indicate that it has found that scent. This can lead onto searching for different scents and for those who wish to into trials and competitions. Scent work is low impact and works one dog at a time so is suitable for nervous or reactive dogs and for those who require low impact exercise or those older dogs who still want to be doing but who cant be charging around quite like they used to.
Workshops and Classes are held throughout the year. Dates of Classes available Soon.
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